Monday, March 17, 2014

Rube Goldberg Machines

By: Stephanie Geething and Brianna DeAmicis.
The 7th graders had to build a Rube Goldburg Machine for GTT (Gateway to Tech). A Rube Goldburg machine is a long chain of events that completes a series of simple events that in the end completes a simple task. They learned about the six types of simple machines. They had to use at least five of the simple machines to build their machine.
Inclined plane: an inclined is a inclined flat surface that allows you to exert your input force over a long distance.

Wedge: a wedge is a device that is thick at one end and tapers to a thin edge at the other end.

Screws: a screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder.

Levers: pulling a nail from a board with a claw of a hammer

Wheel (and axle): Ex screw driver (handle=wheel and shaft=axel)

A wheel & axle is a simple machine made of 2 simple circular or cylindrical objects that are fastened together and rotate a common axel.

Pulley: Ex: raising and lowering a school flag each day. A pulley is a grooved rope or a cable wrapped around it. When you pull the rope you change the amount & direct of your input force.