Thursday, December 12, 2013

6th grade intramurals

6th graders get an opportunity to sign up for various sports throughout the year. They get randomly put into teams and whoever gets the most points in the end wins. We have a two loss elimination bracket and keep going until we have a champion. Mr. Moody and Mr. Myers are two referees and the people who organized the whole thing. We asked them a few questions:

Why do we do intramurals?     To give 6th graders the opportunity to do sports in school because it is not offered. It’s also an organized opportunity that promotes teamwork, positive relationships and an energy releaser.

Why are you the referee?       Mr. Moody and Mr. Myers are the referees because they organized the whole thing. Also, to make sure people follow rules in an organized positive manner.

How many times a week do we do it, when and why?       We do it every Tuesday and Thursday because it fits the schedule.

What type of intermural do we do throughout the year?          We do football, soccer, basketball, dodge ball, and whiffle ball.

We have already done football and are almost done with soccer!

 -Stephanie Geething & Brianna DeAmicis


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